NewHavener's do say "Our City of New Haven does sleep!!?". New Haven is a constantly growing and quite active city of mixed cultures. The location of green in the midst of downtown, restaurants, beautiful church buildings, sky scrappers and the breathtakingly beautiful Yale buildings provide the special charm to the city of New Haven, in fact, Yale dignifies and signifies the city of New Haven, formed during 1666, one of the oldest city and county, she has 30towns under her county belly.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
New Haven SHOOTING in the Center of the City!!
Hope the police and local administration will do something immediately that is concrete to reduce or eliminate these type of voilence that brings bad name to the city and safety concerns to the residents and visitors of the city.
Two Shootings Leave One Dead, 2 Wounded
December 25, 2006
NEW HAVEN - -- One person was killed and two others wounded in two separate shootings early Sunday, police said.A person was taken to Yale-New Haven Hospital after a shooting about 12:30 a.m. on Congress Avenue. Police Sunday morning said that person was in critical condition.
There's A Lot Of Fun Stuff To Learn While School's Out
December 21, 2006
Several Connecticut museums are offering fun and educational activities for kids during school vacation. Here are just a few events happening around Connecticut:
1.The Friends of Dinosaur State Park & Arboretum
2.The Children's Museum (formerly Science Center of Connecticut)
3.The New England Air Museum
4.The Mashantucket Pequot Museum
Seven days before its employees were to vote. And workers brace for all-out war December 21, 2006, By Casey Miner
These so called Ivy's like Yale and Brown are notorious for turning down any employee's union activities, here is another story but it seems to go beyond the control of Yale administration, in majority of the cases Unions finaly win. Let us see this one:
City students run a virtual career fair
Maria Garriga, Register Staff
This is a cool idea and it gets much better when the idea comes from school kids, good jobs kids.
1.Jamel Lance, 17, junior
2.Kimberly Rodriguez, 16, junior
Bonnie Cofield, the director of Hillhouse career services is the mentor for this kids. It is quite interesting to run a virtual career fair that can go into the local TVs and other closed circuit television where people can access?.
Read More:-
NEW HAVEN — While some teens may dream of being host of a television show, a group of James Hillhouse High School students are running a television show in order to find out what they want to be when they grow up.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
A Commercial Bldg accross Green
New Haven is a unique city, not as huge and confusing and chaotic like New York (though I like NY in some way) nor as small and mundane like some small towns. The location of New Haven in Connecticut kind of sandwiched between the most active and world renouned Boston to the North and New York to the south, the centrality for these people to travel down to New Haven is quite convenient.
Friendly, easy to navigate except for several one way streets and twists and turns often on many streets, once if you are used to, it is just 20 min drive around to get to all the places within down town.
This is a very promising city with growth and future opportunities for business, education, culture, food and music industries. For travellers, tourists and foriegners a less expensive and entertraining city. Nearby, there are several attractions such as East Rock, West Rock, Long warf, museusms, churches, theatres and lots of food places.. City of New Haven, authorities must make sure the developmental potentials and tap the right talents around the city to use it for developing our city of New Haven. New Haven-ct......a city in Progress......!!!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Why Lamont lost the election-in true sense it is not loss but a Gain to Dems!
Lamont's Loss to Lieberman Was A Progressive Gain
By David Sirota, In These Times. Posted November 13, 2006. Voters in Connecticut in the end went for Joe Lieberman. But Ned Lamont's insurgent anti-war campaign was a step forward for progressive forces building for the future.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Children's Book Fair- UCONN Co-Op

I am a UCONN Lover, I spent several years as a scientist in UCONN.
The Connecticut Children's Book Fair brings together prominent children's authors and illustrators and the general public in an annual event designed to foster the enjoyment of children's literature. The Connecticut Book Fair is available to the public without an entrance fee. Children, parents, grandparents, book collectors, and interested members of the public are welcome to attend.
The Connecticut Children's Book Fair is a project of the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center and the UConn Co-op. Proceeds from sales at the event are used for the growth of the Northeast Children's Literature Collection in the Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries.
The UConn Co-op is the official bookstore for the University of Connecticut. In addition to textbooks and course materials for University students, the Co-op sells general books, computers and software, school supplies, art & engineering supplies, UConn apparel & memorabilia, greeting cards, gifts, snacks, health & beauty aids, and much more.
The Thomas J. Dodd Research Center houses the University Libraries' Archives & Special Collections as well as the Human Rights Institute and the Center for Judaic Studies & Contemporary Jewish Life. The Dodd Center preserves the University's unique manuscripts, archives, and rare books and supports the University of Connecticut’s mission of teaching, research and service.
Joe Joe-Bye Bye
It is a shame, the state of Connecticut selected him for the three terms, but this time, they relaized the mistake and are going to stand for change in voting to Ned.
We will give huge send off party to Joe .....Bye Bye Joe.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Amish School Shooting- 32 year truck driver killed several school students in PA

It is not just a tragedy but horrible, and terrible one, young school students killed by gunman today, full story can be found in the following link or in yahoo first page.
Truck driver kills three girls in Amish school shooting
POSTED: 2:55 p.m. EDT, October 2, 2006
PARADISE, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- A 32-year-old truck driver walked into an Amish schoolhouse Monday, binding and shooting three girls execution-style before killing himself, police said Monday. Seven others were wounded in the attack, which police said appeared to be a revenge killing for an incident that occurred two decades ago.
Books this Week- Controversial but Eye Opener's about War, politics and stupidity!!!

Both these books Crashing the Gate and State pf Denial are new books, about current political affairs, democratic party, lies of the government and lies about the war and more...these books recieved interesting and good reviews.

This book is worth reading to understand how about the war, lies, mismanagement of the govt and more....might be an interesting and worth reading it...!
Computer Service and Repairs...!!!

Chrystems Computing LLC is a small PC service and Hardware company servicing Greater New Haven area.
I was walking towards the New Haven green few days ago, at the corner of Church and Elm, a young man was distributing a small flyer. I was handed over a flyer, though I did not read the flyer at that moment, after crossing the road later I found that it was about computer repairs and services.
Looks like these guys are not advertising heavily on newspapers and magazines, but want to make a different kind of advertisment or spread of word by personaly distributing flyer about their work. The timing was so perfect for my laptop issues that I was wondering where to get it fixed.
So, I called up the number on the flyer and I have learned that these guys can visit houses and take care of any computer harware or software repairs or services. Their fees are reasonable and service at home or office is a very convenient one besides both Chris and Rob are friendly and computer savvy guys. I had a blank or black screen on my laptop, they came to my house to have a look at it. Quite satisfied with their service, they also sell new laptops and build computers and towers.
Good service and rates, try it!!. Contact: Chris Gallagher

If you are moving and need helpers to load and to unload your stuff. We take care to make sure your stuff arrives safely.
We have references available.
Our rate, $25/hour per person.
Two persons $50/hour
$35 per hour with Pick Up Truck free
You can email me (preferable) or
call me at 203 789 1909
Also find the advertisement in Craig's List
Reply to:
Date: 2006-09-24, 11:50PM EDT
The same movers also do help in yardwork/mowing and odd jobs
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Ban on TransFat/Fries - Good Job New York!!!

New York banned smoking in restaurants and other public places three years ago, hats off for health consious and cancer preventing public policies. To add another hats off to New York, a plan to ban trans fat food is underway,
the health commissionerof NY is doing good job, hope other states just follow such good policies to make our cities better place.
Ban all those fries and any food that is dangerous to health, specially the transfat food. Read the rest of the article:
Friday, September 15, 2006
E.Coli in Bagged Spinach!!???

Latest Spinach UPDATES!!
Week of October 5, 2006
FBI raids Calif. firms in spinach probe
SAN JUAN BAUTISTA, Calif. - The ongoing probe into the source of a nationwide
E. coli' E. coli outbreak linked to tainted spinach turned into a criminal investigation as federal agents raided two Salinas Valley produce companies. Agents from the
FBI' name=c1> SEARCHNews News Photos Images Web' name=c3> FBI and the
Food and Drug Administration' name=c1> SEARCHNews News Photos Images Web' name=c3> Food and Drug Administration's criminal investigations office executed search warrants Wednesday at the Natural Selection Foods LLC plant in San Juan Bautista and Growers Express in Salinas to see if they violated food safety and environmental laws.

Meanwhile, four more bags of fresh spinach in three other states have tested positive for E. coli contamination. And the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration announced that Canada had confirmed its first case of E. coli O157:H7 in a person who ate bagged spinach.
On Tuesday, Pennsylvania health officials said that a lab identified the deadly strain in a bag of Dole baby spinach purchased on or around Sept. 8 in the western part of the state, the AP said. Also Tuesday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said E. coli had been isolated by state public health labs in Illinois and Ohio from three more opened packages of spinach. "DNA fingerprint" testing was under way to see if the strains match the outbreak strain, the agency said.
The investigation of the E. coli O157:H7 outbreak that sickened scores of people across the country and left one woman dead has been focused on three counties in the Salinas Valley, where more than half the country's spinach crop is grown.
Week of Sept 15, 2006
A california based "Natural Foods Company" seems to be the start of the Outbreak, according to the following news?. Unidentified crops are seen across the street from the Earthbound Farm/Natural Selection Foods plant in San Juan Bautista, Calif. on Friday, Sept. 15, 2006. The California natural foods company was linked Friday to a nationwide E. coli outbreak that has killed one person and sickened nearly 100 others. Supermarkets across the country pulled spinach from shelves, and consumers tossed out the leafy green. The crops pictured are not those in question. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

Today the FDA and health officials announced about a E.Coli (bacteria) outbreak through bagged SPINACH. One person died and 20 infected in Wisconsin, about ten states have reported cases according to news (By ANDREW BRIDGES, Associated Press Writer 32 minutes ago. WASHINGTON - Federal health officials worked Friday to find the source of a multistate E.coli outbreak and warned consumers that even washing the suspect spinach won't kill the sometimes-deadly bacteria). So, why do you want to take risk and eat when obvious spread of E.Coli is going on. Wait until another announcement comes, even then be careful about E.Coli, which is a bacteria normally lives in stomach including humans. However, there are several strains among this bacteria, some of them are dangerous and deadly. One of the official says it is tip of the icerberg of the outbreak, it is not clear. The FDA official announced not to eat spinach, even if you cook them it is not safe. It sounds to be a good advice, why take risk. Do not eat spinach from bags for sometime...............................)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
East Rock-Robberies!!??
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The Road to East Rock Park- Fallen Tree!!??

A friendly, regular bicker Hanna is standing besides these tree thinking whether or not to cross the tree with a bike in her hand?. She finaly decided to go back instead. Crossing the road through this tree is a struggle through this mess of tree branches, one could easily get hurt and injured by several branches of the fallen tree.

How many days more will it take for the responsible maintenance people to attend to this natural road block???. Some bikers even turn and go back instead of crossing this fallen tree.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Yale NEWS - Interesting!!!
The new design of Yale website is quite colorful and beautiful, it is a kind of trial phase, they might put up the new site soon permanently, but at the moment you can see time you visit the new images and designs.....
Great Use of Salvaged Oil from Yale Dining Halls???
I was browsing the latest "yale alumni" magazine isse [July/August, 2006] last weekend, something struck my attention. This small news bit can be found under the campus clips in the magazine. It is quite obvious that there must be huge amount of oil used in cooking in various dorms within the yale campus. Wow, what to do with so much used oils, well, it is Yale we are talking about. A smart scientist deciced to solvaged all the used oils from campus dining halls and took it to the lab to refine it??. The salvage Oil has been converted into fuel, most interetingly, one of those yale shuttle you see on the New Haven streets is running on the fuel that was made from cooked up oil from dining halls.....isn't amazing. Congrats to the scientist, labs and all those involved in it, a wonderful way of saving the environment, using the used oil effectively and for being innovative.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
New Haven/East Rock

But, yet it is quite beautiful when you look at from this angle!!.

When did we first pave a tiny little road in this heavily wooded, dense forest??, keep monitoring where this road leads to?.

Why.. among so many other attractive trees, branches and fallen woods that this one interested me...don't know!?These plants are always useful, even after they are fallen lifeless so to say?.

When I reached the top, I got this panoramic view of ER area from the top of the hill, I guess that you guessed it right from where I am standing, those regular walkers, joggers, bickers and visitors to the hill certainly know this spot and they stood here once in their trip up to watch the beauty of the city from up!

This plant might not attract just an ordinary eye, but when it captured on the camera, just look how elegant and peacefully posing, don't you agree?. And these beauties don't need any make up to look pretty?.

And, this is a view of the NEW HAVEN, a view from the top of the East Rock Park, Connecticut.

View of the Ocean from the top of East Rock mountain.

This beautiful monument appears like splitting the tree and coming out of the middle of teh tree, can be found at the top of the east rock mountain.
Like the statue of Liberty to NY, I believe there is a story behind this monument too, in any case this is a beautiful one when it is viewed from either stading on the top of teh east roack mountain, or from the town of east rock areas, one can see this from the town. While walking on the Orange street, one will be able to see this.

New Haven/ER
New Haven/Connecticut

These are some recent pics I shot from East Rock park area and in the New Haven Green.
Apart from all sorts of things one can talk about New Haven, there is a beauty to this city that can be partly acknolwedged and appreciated in the following images. I took this using my coolplix camera. Due to time restrain, I am only posting the images, later I will add on the comments and more. But, I am quite sure that NewHavener's already know the place in these pics. Enjoy.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
In & Around New Haven
Restaurant New Haven, CT 06511
- Overall:
- Food:
- Ambiance:
- Service:
- Value:
My Breakfast Favorite- your's too??
- If you are in New Haven for any reason and looking for best breakfast without burning your fingers and wallet with ridiculous prices but yet get the most delicious food, look no further than a short drive from downtown to Pantry, located at 2 Mechanic Street, intersction between Lawrence St, Mechanic St and State St in New Haven.
This locality is commenly known as East Rock Area, the beautiful East Rock Park and East Rock Hills are walkable from Pantry. Yale new campus, Peabody museum are closeby. Orange, Edward and Whitney streets are closeby. The atmosphere at the Pantry breakfast restaurant is very friendly, homely and quite a busy place. Sometime a wait is required, other times you can walk-in, but no reservations and that mundane dance to the tune of hi-fi, glass paneled restaurant kind. It is simply a homely restaurant. I go with my shorts and t-shirt, sometime with shoos or other time with sandals, doen't matter, I am decent looking even if I visit a grocery store, what I mean is there is no need to worry about your dress code at this restaurant. LoL...
Only breakfast items are served, they close at 2pm. Monday is holiday, the rest of the week and weekend is opened as usual. I can't discriminate which is a better breakfast in the menu list, because they take spcial care to cook every single item, either the super pancake (I felt like eating breakfast and lunch together, big quantity), about 3-4 thick pancake with starwberries or blueberries on top,butter and vermont maid syrup and it goes with the pancake smoothely to let you devour!?. French toast, different kinds of potato addition to the toasts, omlet and egg toasts...immmmmmmm tasty. Well, coffee as a part of your breakfast, the coffee is one hundred times superior and better in quality than the star bucks crap. I normally ask for few re-fills. All other drinks are served (fruit based drinks or soda). I am not describing all the items, there are several special items served at pantry, whatever you eat, I can assure you it is worth visiting for a break fast or even for a early lunch. The berries on top of a pancake is unbelievable, a whole bowl of fresh berries, neatly cut and incredebly arranged on top of pancake, I could never eat the whole break fast, first I finish all the berries and then I eat about half of the pancake served, good enough to satiate my hunger and tommy, no more room. Anyways, I visit often and every time I go with immmmmmmmmm satisfied eating here.
Note: I am just another customer like everyone, I am not related the pantry in anyways.
Last Visited: July 2006
NewHavener's do say "Our City of New Haven does sleep!!?". New Haven is a constantly growing and quite active city of mixed cultures. The location of green in the midst of downtown, restaurants, beautiful church buildings, sky scrappers and the breathtakingly beautiful Yale buildings provide the special charm to the city of New Haven, in fact, Yale dignifies and signifies the city of New Haven, formed during 1666, one of the oldest city and county, she has 30towns under her county belly.