Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Why Lamont lost the election-in true sense it is not loss but a Gain to Dems!

Lamont's Loss to Lieberman Was A Progressive Gain

By David Sirota, In These Times. Posted November 13, 2006. Voters in Connecticut in the end went for Joe Lieberman. But Ned Lamont's insurgent anti-war campaign was a step forward for progressive forces building for the future.

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Delicious iconReddit iconFark iconYahoo! iconNewsvine! iconDigg icon It was raining hard when I returned my rental car at Hartford's Bradley International Airport on Wednesday -- the weather was not helping to raise my spirits from the night before. I had been working as a strategist and rapid response staffer for Ned Lamont's Senate campaign against pro-war incumbent Joe Lieberman, and we had just lost the general election by 10 points. Needless to say, I wasn't happy. But my mood lifted when the middle-aged woman at the Avis counter said, "I voted for him." Here is the Link:

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