Chrystems Computing LLC is a small PC service and Hardware company servicing Greater New Haven area.
I was walking towards the New Haven green few days ago, at the corner of Church and Elm, a young man was distributing a small flyer. I was handed over a flyer, though I did not read the flyer at that moment, after crossing the road later I found that it was about computer repairs and services.
Looks like these guys are not advertising heavily on newspapers and magazines, but want to make a different kind of advertisment or spread of word by personaly distributing flyer about their work. The timing was so perfect for my laptop issues that I was wondering where to get it fixed.
So, I called up the number on the flyer and I have learned that these guys can visit houses and take care of any computer harware or software repairs or services. Their fees are reasonable and service at home or office is a very convenient one besides both Chris and Rob are friendly and computer savvy guys. I had a blank or black screen on my laptop, they came to my house to have a look at it. Quite satisfied with their service, they also sell new laptops and build computers and towers.
Good service and rates, try it!!. Contact: Chris Gallagher
E-mail: chris@chrystems.com
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