Saturday, October 07, 2017

Heart Breaking Harford's Economic conditions "Hartford and America" by SchiffGold

Hartford and America: Suffering the "Consequences of Political Malfeasance"
Peter Schiff, the gold and silver guru writes about the worsening economic conditions of Hartford, the capital of the state of Connecticut.
Hartford was going through budget and spending crisis for more than a decade, ultimately reaching a level where nations two rating agencies S&P and Moody's downgrading Hartford Economic condition to a Junk status, and the city might default on its obligations may further lead to bankruptcy as early as November. Schiff's piece came up just two days ago, but several days earlier, the WSJ published a report on the ratings on Sept28
WSJ: Hartford Downgraded Further Into Junk Status  
Moves by S&P and Moody’s cites increased likelihood of default as early as November
By Joseph De Avila
Two credit-ratings firms on Tuesday downgraded the city of Hartford further into junk status, citing an increased likelihood of default as early as November.
Schiff digs further into how did the city of Hartford reached this stage, further expanding the understanding that not only city of Hartford, but the once wealthiest state of CT, the state as a whole is in trouble too, owning 3.5Billion debt and close to 70Billion in pension liabilities etc?... It does not look for the city or state economically and otherwise, what about other cities and states nationwide, read the piece here.....LINK

NewHavener's do say "Our City of New Haven does sleep!!?". New Haven is a constantly growing and quite active city of mixed cultures. The location of green in the midst of downtown, restaurants, beautiful church buildings, sky scrappers and the breathtakingly beautiful Yale buildings provide the special charm to the city of New Haven, in fact, Yale dignifies and signifies the city of New Haven, formed during 1666, one of the oldest city and county, she has 30towns under her county belly.