Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Haven Coliseum is GONE!

The Colisum Building was demolished at around 7.40am on Saturday, 20th Jan 2007. It was a spectacular blast and sound and huge building collapsed into heaps in 17 secs. Visit the following flickr to see the pictures I shot.

This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Some times it is difficult to Understand Why?

I have noticed the letters in the school name hanging for quite some time almost a year as of today (Jan 2007) and it is still hanging?. A local school in New Haven, East Rock area either has no time to look around or did not care to fix it?. The letter "I" is half-fallen from the fixuture. Unfortunately neither the school administration, staff nor the public tried to inform the school and fix this.

It is certainly not a big deal to worry about, but it makes one wonder how careless people are?, if smaller things are not looked after or watched after for any problem in time, how can you expect important things in this school will be taken care.
Am I silly to notice this and write about it?. Wait, much more concerning than this school name, another irony I found in Hamden.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Is Google Evil?
New Haven Advocate
Google Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the two former Stanford geeks who founded the company that has become synonymous with Internet searching, and you’ll find more than a million entries each.

Good Job Dear State Rep- What a Role Model??

Connecticut Legislator Apologizes For DWI Arrest
State Rep. Dillon Promises To Join Alcohol Program, You know dear Rep, you must spread this wonderful behavior to other reps too, such a good model, keep it up.

New Haven & Neighborhood Counselors!!

New Haven & safety?
One of the effective ways to curb this activity is to bring strategies in the existing security system, more important than this is bringing the parents and families of New Havener's together to address the issue. Parents and relatives of the deranged kids need to take extra step to counsel, provide support and monitor their kids behaviors in addition to the professional supports. There are so many ways things can be cleaned up, but care and dedication of those who deal with these issues is important too. It is an irony to see beautiful cities like New Haven and Hartford known for stray voilences. It is more ironic when such things goes on in cities where the worlds top educational institutes are located, hope the professionals will show some interest to clean up the city from these violences.

Neighborhood counselors sought
William Kaempffer, Register Staff
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-NEW HAVEN — The city is looking to the so-called Boston Miracle as a blueprint for confronting violent young men from rival neighborhoods who are shooting each other with alarming frequency.
Over the next few months, the city says it will enlist a corps of street outreach workers from different neighborhoods to seek out the youths who are committing these crimes and to visit shooting scenes and hospital rooms to deliver a firm message that the neighborhood gang violence that is holding hostage the city’s poorest neighborhoods has to end.

NewHavener's do say "Our City of New Haven does sleep!!?". New Haven is a constantly growing and quite active city of mixed cultures. The location of green in the midst of downtown, restaurants, beautiful church buildings, sky scrappers and the breathtakingly beautiful Yale buildings provide the special charm to the city of New Haven, in fact, Yale dignifies and signifies the city of New Haven, formed during 1666, one of the oldest city and county, she has 30towns under her county belly.