But, yet it is quite beautiful when you look at from this angle!!.

When did we first pave a tiny little road in this heavily wooded, dense forest??, keep monitoring where this road leads to?.

Why.. among so many other attractive trees, branches and fallen woods that this one interested me...don't know!?These plants are always useful, even after they are fallen lifeless so to say?.

When I reached the top, I got this panoramic view of ER area from the top of the hill, I guess that you guessed it right from where I am standing, those regular walkers, joggers, bickers and visitors to the hill certainly know this spot and they stood here once in their trip up to watch the beauty of the city from up!

This plant might not attract just an ordinary eye, but when it captured on the camera, just look how elegant and peacefully posing, don't you agree?. And these beauties don't need any make up to look pretty?.

And, this is a view of the NEW HAVEN, a view from the top of the East Rock Park, Connecticut.

View of the Ocean from the top of East Rock mountain.

This beautiful monument appears like splitting the tree and coming out of the middle of teh tree, can be found at the top of the east rock mountain.
Like the statue of Liberty to NY, I believe there is a story behind this monument too, in any case this is a beautiful one when it is viewed from either stading on the top of teh east roack mountain, or from the town of east rock areas, one can see this from the town. While walking on the Orange street, one will be able to see this.